As I mentioned, I was offered a part time position on my home unit, night shift. I was given a raise (favor), and to be able to come in to a part time position is pretty rare. My manager basically asked me how many hours I needed to work and handed me the job. So we began to make plans and get my husband signed up for classes to transfer to a local art institute. I didn't feel totally right about that particular school but continued to move forward because we didn't really know what other options there were. We happened to be having dinner with some friends, and "randomly", the husband stated that he had heard that this particular art school was closing. We didn't say anything, but both my husband and I were like "umm...what do we do about that?" So we set out to do some research, and low and behold, 13/14 schools had closed across the country due to lawsuits and fraud! WHAT?!
My husband was notably upset, but I firmly believed that if that previous school was a no go, then God obviously must have something better. He wouldn't lead us to this point to drop kick us backwards. Well, he landed on an online school, that would require LESS schooling, same degree, and cost about 1/3 as much as the previous school! Almost ALL of his previous credits transferred, and unlike the previous school, everyone we have been in contact with to help us with the process has been TREMENDOUSLY helpful. In every way. We thought we would have to wait until spring semester (6 months from now! NOOOOOOO!), but they shooed him in and have, as of this morning, gotten him into his classes.
There have been numerous small (but NOT small if you know what I mean) miracles along the way, and I can see that God is proving to my husband just how loving and faithful and GOOD he is with this whole thing. DH needed a light drafting table for for animating. This table would cost approximately $2000. We don't have $2000 to drop on a table. And wouldn't you know it?! We found a table FOR FREE on craigslist, that DH was able to make into his drafting table. All he had to buy was a light that cost $20. God is SO GOOD, that he gave DH the tools needed to create the perfect table, because he knows DH loves to create! So much goodness happening.
Meanwhile, I have slowly figured out a rhythm to this whole part time working, sleeping during the day, making sure I have some time to do the things I love (writing, teaching oily classes, time with friends), while being present with my girls. But overall, I feel like there is so much more balance in our home. I seem to thrive with a little something that I can do outside the home. And I am NOT carrying around guilt for being a working mom. This is something I've had to work through, but my husband keeps boldly addressing the double standard of the woman being the homemaker and the husband being the breadwinner. He is incredibly good and parenting, cooking, tackling the stuff at home while I bring home some bacon. And he doesn't feel diminished for the change in roles, and neither do I!
How have I supported my body through all the stress and insecurity and vulnerability that transition brings? Well, God. Number 1. He has been walking beside me (or running and dragging me along, depending on the day), encouraging me. Digging into those deep places where the lies had made their home, exposing them so we could get rid of them. This quote says it all:
There are things we cannot bring with us into new seasons because they are not useful: self doubt, fear, insecurities and lies. As we grow, certain things and beliefs need to fall off so that we can become who we are meant to be, and grow into a new role or calling or what have you. So...what lies are you believing that are no longer serving your best interest?
Psalm 125:1-2 "Those who trust in, lean on and confidently hope in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved but abides and stands fast forever. As the mountains are around about Jerusalem, so the Lord is round about his people from this time forth and forever."
Also...It is really strange to be living in the "land" that God has promised. That you had always hoped would be true, but couldn't quite see it. To be reaping in joy what has been sown in tears...I'll have more on that in a later post. But for now...Blessings and Increase to you and yours in whatever season God has placed you in!
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